POST Card PCIЧетверг, 13.02.2025, 21:04

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Phoenix BIOS POST коды

Phoenix XT 2.52 PnP BIOS Post Codes:

01 Test 8253 timer
02 First 64K RAM failed
03 First 1K parity check failed
04 Initialize 8259 interrupt controller
05 Second 1K RAM test, BIOS data area, failed

Phoenix BIOS Plus or v1.0 BIOS Post Codes:

01 CPU register test in progress
02 CMOS read/write failure
03 ROM BIOS checksum failure
04 Programmable interval timer failure
05 DMA initialization failure
06 DMA page register read/write failure
08 RAM refresh verification failure
09 First 64K RAM test in progress
0A First 64K RAM chip or data line failure multi-bit
0B First 64K RAM odd/even parity logic failure
0C Address line failure in first 64K RAM
0D Parity failure in first 64K RAM
10 Bit 0 first 64K RAM failure
11 Bit 1 first 64K RAM failure
12 Bit 2 first 64K RAM failure
13 Bit 3 first 64K RAM failure
14 Bit 4 first 64K RAM failure
15 Bit 5 first 64K RAM failure
16 Bit 6 first 64K RAM failure
17 Bit 7 first 64K RAM failure
18 Bit 8 first 64K RAM failure
19 Bit 9 first 64K RAM failure
1A Bit a(10) first 64K RAM failure
1B Bit B(11) first 64K RAM failure
1C Bit C(12) first 64K RAM failure
1D Bit D(13) first 64K RAM failure
1E Bit E(14) first 64K RAM failure
1F Bit F(15) first 64K RAM failure
20 Slave DMA register failure
21 Master DMA register failure
22 Master interrupt mask register failure
23 Slave interrupt mask register failure
25 Interrupt vector loading in progress
27 8042 keyboard controller test failure
28 CMOS power failure/checksum calculation in progress
29 CMOS configuration validation in progress
2B Screen memory test failure
2C Screen initialization failure
2D Screen retrace test failure
2E Search for video ROM in progress
30 Screen believed running with video ROM
31 Mono monitor believed operational
32 Color monitor (40 columns) believed operational
33 Color monitor (80 columns) believed operational
34 Timer tick interrupt in progress or failed (non-fatal)
35 Shutdown failure (non-fatal)
36 Gate A20 failure (non-fatal)
37 Unexpected interrupt in protected mode (non-fatal)
38 Memory high address line failure at 01000-0A000 (non-fatal)
39 Memory high address line failure at 100000-FFFFFF (non-fatal)
3A Timer chip counter 2 failed (non-fatal)
3B Time of day clock stopped
3C Serial port test
3D Parallel port test
41 System board select bad
42 Extended CMOS RAM bad

Phoenix UMC chipset PCI BIOS Post Codes:

02 Verify real mode operation
04 Get CPU type
06 Initialize system hardware
08 Initialize chipset registers with initial POST values
09 Set in POST flag
0A Initialize CPU registers
0C Initialize cache to initial POST values
0E Initialize I/O
10 Initialize power management
11 Load alternate registers with initial POST values
12 Jump to user patch 0
14 Initialize keyboard controller
16 BIOS ROM checksum
18 8254 programmable interrupt timer initialization
1A 8237 DMA controller initialization
1C Reset 8259 programmable interrupt controller
20 Test DRAM refresh
22 Test 8742 keyboard controller
24 Set ES segment register to 4GB
26 Enable address line A20
28 Autosize DRAM
2A Clear 512K base memory
2C Test 512K base address lines
2E Test 512K base memory
30 Test base address memory
32 Test CPU bus clock frequency
34 Test CMOS RAM
35 Test chipset register initialize
36 Test check resume
37 Reinitialize the chipset
38 Shadow system BIOS ROM
39 Reinitialize the cache
3A Autosize the cache
3C Configure advanced chipset registers
3D Load alternate registers with CMOS values
3E Read hardware configuration from keyboard controller
40 Set initial CPU speed
42 Initialize interrupt vectors
44 Initialize BIOS interrupts
46 Check ROM copyright notice
47 Initialize manager for PCI options ROM's
48 Check video configuration against CMOS
49 Initialize PCI bus and devices
4A Initialize all video adapters
4C Shadow video BIOS ROM
4E Display copyright notice
50 Display CPU type and speed
52 Test keyboard
54 Set key click if enabled
56 Enable keyboard
58 Test for unexpected interrupts
5A Display prompt "Press F2 to Enter Setup"
5C Test RAM between 512K and 640K
5E Test base memory
60 Test expanded memory
62 Test extended memory address lines
64 Jump to user patch 1
66 Configure advanced cache registers
68 Enable external and CPU registers
69 Set up power management
6A Display external cache size
6C Display shadow message
6E Display non-disposable segments
70 Display error messages
72 Check for configuration messages
74 Test real time clock
76 Check for keyboard errors
7A Enable keylock
7C Setup hardware interrupt vectors
7E Test coprocessor if present
80 Disable onboard I/O ports
82 Detect and install external RS232 ports
84 Detect and install external parallel ports
86 Reinitialize onboard I/O ports
88 Initialize BIOS data areas
8A Initialize extended BIOS data area
8C Initialize floppy drive controller
8E Hard disk autotype configuration
90 Initialize hard disk controller
91 Initialize local bus hard disk controller
92 Jump to user patch 2
94 Disable A20 address lines
96 Clear huge ES segment register
98 Search for option ROM's
9A Shadow options ROM's
9C Setup power management
9E Enable hardware interrupts
A0 Set time of day
A2 Check key lock
A4 Initialize typematic rate
A8 Erase F2 prompt
AA Scan for F2 keystroke
AC Enter setup
AE Clear in-POST flag
B0 Check for errors
B2 POST done
B4 One beep
B6 Check password (optional)
B8 Clear global descriptor table
BC Clear parity checkers
BE Clear screen (optional)
C0 Try to boot with interrupt 19
D0 Interrupt handler error
D2 Unknown interrupt error
D4 Pending interrupt error
D6 Initialize option ROM error
D8 Shutdown error
DA Extended block move
DC Shutdown 10 error

Phoenix PCI BIOS Post Codes:

02 If the CPU is in protected mode, turn on gate A20 and pulse the reset line. Forces a shutdown 0.
04 On cold boot, save the CPU type information value in the CMOS
06 Reset DMA controllers; Disable video; Clear pending interrupts from real time clock; Setup port B register
08 Initialize chipset control registers to power on defaults
0A Set a bit in the CMOS that indicates POST; used to determine if the current configuration causes the BIOS to hang. If true, default BIOS values set on next POST
0C Initialize I/O module control registers
0E External CPU caches initialized; Cache registers set to default values
10/12/14 Verify response from 8742 keyboard controller
16 Verify BIOS ROM checksums to zero
18 Initialize all three 8254 programmable interrupt timers
1A Initialize DMA command register; Initialize 8 DMA channels
1C Initialize 8259 programmable interrupt controller; ICW4 needed; Cascade and edge triggered mode
20 Test DRAM refresh by polling refresh bit in post B
22 Test 8742 keyboard controller; Self test send to keyboard controller and awaiting results; Read the switch inputs from the 8742 keyboard controller and write the keyboard controller command byte
24 Set ES segment register to 4GB
26 Enable address line A20
28 Autosize DRAM
2A Clear first 64K of RAM
2C Test RAM address lines
2E Test first 64K bank of memory by checking chip address line test and RAM test
30/32 Find true CPU speed (MHz)
34 Clear CMOS diagnostic byte (register E); Check real time clock and verify battery; Checksum the CMOS and verify for corruption
36/38/3A External cache is autosized and its configuration for enabling later in POST
3C Configure advanced cache features; Configure external cache's configurable parameters
3E Read hardware configuration from keyboard controller
40 Set system power-on speed to the rate determined by the CMOS; If the CMOS is invalid, use a lower speed
42 Initialize interrupt vectors 0-77h to the BIOS general interrupt handler
44 Initialize interrupt vectors 0-20h to proper values from the BIOS interrupt tables
46 Check copyright message checksum
48 Check video configuration
4A Initialize both monochrome and color graphics video adapters
4C/4E Display copyright message
50 Display CPU type and speed
52 Test for the self-test code if a cold start; Keyboard performs a self-test and sends and AA if successful
54 Initialize keystroke clicker during POST
56 Enable keyboard
58 Test for unexpected interrupts; Check STI for hot interrupts; Test NMI for unexpected interrupts; Enable parity checkers and read from memory checking for unexpected interrupt
5A Display prompt "Press F2 to Enter Setup"
5C Determine and test the amount of memory available; Save total size to BIOS variable called bdaMemorySize
5E Perform address of base memory
60 Determine and test the amount of extended memory available; Save the total size in the CMOS at CMOSExtended
62 Perform and address line test on A0 to the amount of memory available
68 External and CPU caches, if present, are enabled
6A Display cache size on screen if non-zero
6C Display BIOS shadow status
6E Display the starting offset of the non-disposable section of the BIOS
70 Check flags in CMOS and in the BIOS data area to see if any errors have been detected during the POST
72 Check status bits for configuration errors
74 Test real time clock if the battery has lost power
76 Check status bits for keyboard errors; Errors are displayed
78 Check for stuck keys on the keyboard; Errors are displayed
7A Enable keylock
7C Setup hardware interrupt vectors
7E Test coprocessor if present
80/82 Detect and install RS232 ports
84 Detect and install parallel ports
86/88 Initialize timeouts/key buffer/soft reset flags
8A Initialize extended BIOS data area and initialize the mouse
8C Initialize the floppy disks and display error message if failure was detected
8E Hard disk autotype detection
90 If the CMOS RAM is valid and intact and fixed disks are defined, call the fixed disk initialization routine to initialize the fixed disk system and take over the appropriate interrupt vectors
92/94 Disable gate A20 address line
96/98 Scan for ROM BIOS extensions
9E Enable hardware interrupts
A0 Set time of day
A2 Setup numlock indicator
A4 Initialize typematic rate
A6 Initialize hard disk autoparking
A8 Erase F2 prompt
AA Scan for F2 keystroke
AC Check to see if SETUP should executed
AE Clear ConfigFailedBit and InPostBit in CMOS
B0 Check for POST errors
B2 Set/clear status bits to reflect POST complete
B4 One beep
B6 Check for password before boot
B8 Clear global descriptor table
BA Initialize the screen saver
BC Clear parity error latch
BE Clear screen
C0 Try to boot with interrupt 19
D0/D2 If an interrupt occurs before interrupts vectors have been initialized, interrupt handler will check if 8259 programmable interrupt timer caused the interrupt and which one; If error is unknown, InterruptFlag will be FF, otherwise, it will hold the IRQ number that occurred
D4 Clear pending timer and keyboard interrupts and transfer control to the double word address located at RomCheck
D6/D8/DA Return from extended block move

Phoenix ISA/EISA/MCA v3.07 BIOS Post Codes:

01 CPU register test in progress
02 CMOS read/write failure
03 ROM BIOS checksum failure
04 Programmable interval timer failure
05 DMA initialization failure
06 DMA page register write/read failure
08 RAM refresh verification failure
09 First 64K RAM test in progress
0A First 64K RAM chip or data line failure multi-bit
0B First 64K RAM odd/even logic failure
0C Address line failure in first 64K RAM
0D Parity failure in first 64K RAM
0E Fail-safe timer failure
0F Software NMI post failure
10 Bit 0 first 64K RAM failure
11 Bit 1 first 64K RAM failure
12 Bit 2 first 64K RAM failure
13 Bit 3 first 64K RAM failure
14 Bit 4 first 64K RAM failure
15 Bit 5 first 64K RAM failure
16 Bit 6 first 64K RAM failure
17 Bit 7 first 64K RAM failure
18 Bit 8 first 64K RAM failure
19 Bit 9 first 64K RAM failure
1A Bit A first 64K RAM failure
1B Bit B first 64K RAM failure
1C Bit C first 64K RAM failure
1D Bit D first 64K RAM failure
1E Bit E first 64K RAM failure
1F Bit F first 64K RAM failure
20 Slave DMA register failure
21 Master DMA register failure
22 Master interrupt mask register failure
23 Slave interrupt mask register failure
25 Interrupt vector loading in progress
27 Keyboard controller test failure
28 CMOS power failure; checksum calculation in progress
29 CMOS RAM configuration validation in progress
2B Screen memory test failure
2C Screen initialization failure
2D Screen retrace test failure
2E Search for video ROM in progress
30 Screen believed running with video ROM
31 Mono monitor believed operational
32 Color monitor (40 columns) believed operational
33 Color monitor ( 80 columns) believed operational
34 No time tick
35 Shutdown test in progress or failure
36 Gate A20 failure
37 Unexpected interrupt in protected mode
38 Memory high address line failure at 01000-0A000; RAM test in progress or address failure >FFFh
39 Memory high address line failure at 100000-FFFFFF
3A Interval timer channel 2 test or failure
3B Time of day clock test or failure
3C Serial port test or failure
3D Parallel port test or failure
3E Math coprocessor test
3F Cache test (Dell)
41 System board select bad (Micro Channel only)
42 Extended CMOS RAM bad (Micro Channel only)

Phoenix 4.0 BIOS Post Codes:

02 Verify real mode
04 Get CPU type
06 Initialize system hardware
08 Initialize chipset registers with initial POST values
09 Set in POST flag
0A Initialize CPU registers
0C Initialize cache to initial POST values
0E Initialize I/O
10 Initialize power management
11 Load alternate registers with initial POST values
12 Jump to UserPatch0
14 Initialize keyboard controller
16 BIOS ROM checksum
18 8254 programmable interrupt timer initialization
1A 8237 DMA controller initialization
1C Reset 8254 programmable interrupt timer
20 Test DRAM refresh
22 Test 8742 keyboard controller
24 Set ES segment register to 4GB
28 Autosize DRAM
2A Clear 512K base RAM
2C Test 512K base address lines
2E Test 512K base memory
32 Test CPU bus-clock frequency
37 Reinitialize the chipset
38 Shadow system BIOS ROM
39 Reinitialize the cache
3A Autosize cache
3C Configure advanced chipset registers
3D Load alternate registers with CMOS values
40 Set initial CPU speed
42 Initialize interrupt vectors
44 Initialize BIOS interrupts
46 Check ROM copyright notice
48 Check video configuration against CMOS
49 Initialize PCI bus and devices
4A Initialize all video adapters in system
4C Shadow video BIOS ROM
4E Display copyright notice
50 Display CPU type and speed
52 Test keyboard
54 Set key click if enabled
56 Enable keyboard
58 Test for unexpected interrupts
5A Display prompt "Press F2 to Enter Setup"
5C Test RAM between 512K and 640K
60 Test expanded memory
62 Test extended memory address lines
64 Jump to UserPatch1
66 Configure advanced cache registers
68 Enable external and CPU caches
6A Display external cache size
6C Display shadow message
6E Display non-disposable segments
70 Display error messages
72 Check for configuration errors
74 Test real time clock
76 Check for keyboard errors
7C Setup hardware interrupts vectors
7E Test coprocessor if present
80 Disable onboard I/O ports
82 Detect and install external RS232 ports
84 Detect and install external parallel ports
86 Re-initialize on-board I/O ports
88 Initialize BIOS data area
8A Initialize extended BIOS data area
8C Initialize floppy controller
90 Initialize hard disk controller
91 Initialize local bus hard disk controller
92 Jump to UserPatch2
94 Disable A20 address line
96 Clear huge ES segment register
98 Search for option ROM's
9A Shadow option ROM's
9C Setup power management
9E Enable hardware interrupts
A0 Set time of day
A2 Check key lock
A8 Erase F2 prompt
AA Scan for F2 keystroke
AC Enter setup
AE Clear in-POST flag
B0 Check for errors
B2 POST done; prepare to boot operating system
B4 One beep
B6 Check password (optional)
B8 clear global descriptor table
BC Clear parity checkers
BE Clear screen (optional)
BF Check virus and backup reminders
C0 Try to boot interrupt 19
D0 Interrupt handler error
D2 Unknown interrupt error
D4 Pending interrupt error
D6 Initialize option ROM error
D8 Shutdown error
DA Extended block move
DC Shutdown 10 error
E2 Initialize the chipset
E3 Initialize refresh counter
E4 Check for forced flash
E5 Check HW status of ROM
E6 BIOS ROM is ok
E7 Do a complete RAM test
E8 Do OEM initialization
E9 Initialize interrupt controller
EA Read in bootstrap code
EB Initialize all vectors
EC Boot the flash program
ED Initialize the boot device
EE Boot code was read ok
Phoenix 4.0 Release 6.0 BIOS Post Codes:02 Verify real mode
03 Disable non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
04 Get CPU type
06 Initialize system hardware
07 Disable shadow and execute code from the ROM
08 Initialize chipset with initial POST values
09 Set IN POST flag
0A Initialize CPU registers
0B Enable CPU cache
0C Initialize caches to initial POST values
0E Initialize I/O component
0F Initialize the local bus IDE
10 initialize power management
11 Load alternate registers with initial POST values
12 Restore CPU control word during warm boot
13 Initialize PCI bus mastering devices
14 Initialize keyboard controller
16 BIOS ROM checksum
17 Initialize cache before memory autosize
18 8254 programmable interrupt timer initialization
1A 8237 DMA controller initialization
1C Reset programmable interrupt controller
20 Test DRAM refresh
22 Test 8742 keyboard controller
24 Set ES segment register to 4GB
26 Enable gate A20 line
28 Autosize DRAM
29 Initialize POST memory manager
2A Clear 512KB base RAM
2C RAM failure on address line xxxx
2E RAM failure on data bits xxxx of low byte of memory bus
2F Enable cache before system BIOS shadow
30 RAM failure on data bits xxxx of high byte of memory bus
32 Test CPU bus clock frequency
33 Initialize Phoenix Dispatch Manager
36 Warm start shut down
38 Shadow system BIOS ROM
3A Autosize cache
3C Advanced configuration of chipset registers
3D Load alternate registers with CMOS values
41 Initialize extended memory for RomPilot
42 Initialize interrupt vectors
45 POST device initialization
46 Check ROM copyright notice
47 Initialize I20 support
48 Check video configuration against CMOS
49 Initialize PCI bus and devices
4A Initialize all video adapters in system
4B QuietBoot start (optional)
4C Shadow video BIOS ROM
4E Display BIOS copyright notice
4F Initialize MultiBoot
50 Display CPU type and speed
51 Initialize EISA board
52 Test keyboard
54 Set key click if enabled
55 Enable USB devices
58 Test for unexpected interrupts
59 Initialize POST display service
5A Display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP"
5B Disable CPU cache
5C Test RAM between 512KB and 640KB
60 Test extended memory
62 Test extended memory address lines
64 Jump to UserPatch1
66 Configure advanced cache registers
67 Initialize Multi Processor APIC
68 Enable external and CPU caches
69 Setup system management mode (SMM) area
6A Display external L2 cache size
6B Load custom defaults (optional)
6C Display shadow area message
6E Display possible high address for UMB recovery
70 Display error messages
72 Check for configuration errors
76 Check for keyboard errors
7C Set up hardware interrupt vectors
7D Initialize Intelligent System Monitoring
7E Initialize coprocessor if present
80 Disable onboard super I/O ports and IRQ's
81 Late POST device initialization
82 Detect and install external RS232 ports
83 Configure non-MCD IDE controllers
84 Detect and install external parallel ports
85 Initialize PC compatible PnP ISA devices
86 Reinitialize onboard I/O ports
87 Configure motherboard configurable devices (optional)
88 Initialize BIOS data area
89 Enable non-maskable interrupts (NMI's)
8A Initialize extended BIOS data area
8B Test and initialize PS/2 mouse
8C Initialize floppy controller
8F Determine number of ATA drives (optional)
90 Initialize hard disk controllers
91 Initialize local bus hard disk controllers
92 Jump to UserPatch2
93 Build MPTABLE for multi processor boards
95 Install CD ROM for boot
96 Clear huge ES segment register
97 Fixup multi processor table
98 Search for option ROM's
99 Check for SMART drive (optional)
9A Shadow option ROM's
9C Set up power management
9D Initialize security engine (optional)
9E Enable hardware interrupts
9F Determine number of ATA and SCSI drives
A0 Set time of day
A2 Check key lock
A4 Initialize typematic rate
A8 Erase F2 prompt
AA Scan for F2 key stroke
AC Enter setup
AE Clear boot flag
B0 Check for errors
B1 Inform RomPilot about the end of POST
B2 POST done - prepare to boot operating system
B4 One short beep
B5 Terminate QuietBoot (optional)
B6 Check password
B7 Initialize ACPI BIOS
B9 Prepare boot
BA Initialize DMI parameters
BB Initialize PnP option ROM's
BC Clear parity checkers
BD Display multiboot menu
BE Clear screen
BF Check virus and backup reminders
C0 Try to boot with interrupt 19
C1 Initialize POST Error Manager (PEM)
C2 Initialize error logging
C3 Initialize error display function
C4 Initialize system error handler
C5 PnP dual CMOS (optional)
C6 Initialize notebook docking (optional)
C7 Initialize notebook docking late
C8 Force check (optional)
C9 Extended checksum (optional)
CA Redirect Int 15h to enable remote keyboard
CB Redirect Int 13 to Memory Technologies Devices such as ROM, RAM, PCMCIA, and serial disk
CC Redirect Int 10h to enable remote serial video
CD Re-map I/O and memory for PCMCIA
CE Initialize digitizer and dispaly message 
D2 Unknown interrupt
  The following are for boot block in Flash ROM
E0 Initialize the chipset
E1 Initialize the bridge
E2 Initialize the CPU
E3 Initialize the system timer
E4 Initialize system I/O
E5 Check force recovery boot
E6 Checksum BIOS ROM
E7 Go to BIOS
E8 Set Huge Segment
E9 Initialize Multi Processor
EA Initialize OEM special code
EB initialize PIC and DMA
EC Initialize Memory type
ED Initialize Memory size
EE Shadow Boot Block
EF System memory test
F0 Initialize interrupt vectors
F1 Initialize Run Time Clock
F2 Initialize video
F3 Initialize System Management Menager
F4 Output one beep
F5 Clear Huge Segement
F6 Boot to mini DOS
F7 Boot to Full DOS
Phoenix 4.0 Release 6.0 BIOS Post Codes:02 Verify real mode
03 Disable non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
04 Get CPU type
06 Initialize system hardware
07 Disable shadow and execute code from the ROM
08 Initialize chipset with initial POST values
09 Set IN POST flag
0A Initialize CPU registers
0B Enable CPU cache
0C Initialize caches to initial POST values
0E Initialize I/O component
0F Initialize the local bus IDE
10 initialize power management
11 Load alternate registers with initial POST values
12 Restore CPU control word during warm boot
13 Initialize PCI bus mastering devices
14 Initialize keyboard controller
16 BIOS ROM checksum
17 Initialize cache before memory autosize
18 8254 programmable interrupt timer initialization
1A 8237 DMA controller initialization
1C Reset programmable interrupt controller
20 Test DRAM refresh
22 Test 8742 keyboard controller
24 Set ES segment register to 4GB
26 Enable gate A20 line
28 Autosize DRAM
29 Initialize POST memory manager
2A Clear 512KB base RAM
2C RAM failure on address line xxxx
2E RAM failure on data bits xxxx of low byte of memory bus
2F Enable cache before system BIOS shadow
30 RAM failure on data bits xxxx of high byte of memory bus
32 Test CPU bus clock frequency
33 Initialize Phoenix Dispatch Manager
36 Warm start shut down
38 Shadow system BIOS ROM
3A Autosize cache
3C Advanced configuration of chipset registers
3D Load alternate registers with CMOS values
41 Initialize extended memory for RomPilot
42 Initialize interrupt vectors
45 POST device initialization
46 Check ROM copyright notice
47 Initialize I20 support
48 Check video configuration against CMOS
49 Initialize PCI bus and devices
4A Initialize all video adapters in system
4B QuietBoot start (optional)
4C Shadow video BIOS ROM
4E Display BIOS copyright notice
4F Initialize MultiBoot
50 Display CPU type and speed
51 Initialize EISA board
52 Test keyboard
54 Set key click if enabled
55 Enable USB devices
58 Test for unexpected interrupts
59 Initialize POST display service
5A Display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP"
5B Disable CPU cache
5C Test RAM between 512KB and 640KB
60 Test extended memory
62 Test extended memory address lines
64 Jump to UserPatch1
66 Configure advanced cache registers
67 Initialize Multi Processor APIC
68 Enable external and CPU caches
69 Setup system management mode (SMM) area
6A Display external L2 cache size
6B Load custom defaults (optional)
6C Display shadow area message
6E Display possible high address for UMB recovery
70 Display error messages
72 Check for configuration errors
76 Check for keyboard errors
7C Set up hardware interrupt vectors
7D Initialize Intelligent System Monitoring
7E Initialize coprocessor if present
80 Disable onboard super I/O ports and IRQ's
81 Late POST device initialization
82 Detect and install external RS232 ports
83 Configure non-MCD IDE controllers
84 Detect and install external parallel ports
85 Initialize PC compatible PnP ISA devices
86 Reinitialize onboard I/O ports
87 Configure motherboard configurable devices (optional)
88 Initialize BIOS data area
89 Enable non-maskable interrupts (NMI's)
8A Initialize extended BIOS data area
8B Test and initialize PS/2 mouse
8C Initialize floppy controller
8F Determine number of ATA drives (optional)
90 Initialize hard disk controllers
91 Initialize local bus hard disk controllers
92 Jump to UserPatch2
93 Build MPTABLE for multi processor boards
95 Install CD ROM for boot
96 Clear huge ES segment register
97 Fixup multi processor table
98 Search for option ROM's
99 Check for SMART drive (optional)
9A Shadow option ROM's
9C Set up power management
9D Initialize security engine (optional)
9E Enable hardware interrupts
9F Determine number of ATA and SCSI drives
A0 Set time of day
A2 Check key lock
A4 Initialize typematic rate
A8 Erase F2 prompt
AA Scan for F2 key stroke
AC Enter setup
AE Clear boot flag
B0 Check for errors
B1 Inform RomPilot about the end of POST
B2 POST done - prepare to boot operating system
B4 One short beep
B5 Terminate QuietBoot (optional)
B6 Check password
B7 Initialize ACPI BIOS
B9 Prepare boot
BA Initialize DMI parameters
BB Initialize PnP option ROM's
BC Clear parity checkers
BD Display multiboot menu
BE Clear screen
BF Check virus and backup reminders
C0 Try to boot with interrupt 19
C1 Initialize POST Error Manager (PEM)
C2 Initialize error logging
C3 Initialize error display function
C4 Initialize system error handler
C5 PnP dual CMOS (optional)
C6 Initialize notebook docking (optional)
C7 Initialize notebook docking late
C8 Force check (optional)
C9 Extended checksum (optional)
CA Redirect Int 15h to enable remote keyboard
CB Redirect Int 13 to Memory Technologies Devices such as ROM, RAM, PCMCIA, and serial disk
CC Redirect Int 10h to enable remote serial video
CD Re-map I/O and memory for PCMCIA
CE Initialize digitizer and dispaly message 
D2 Unknown interrupt
  The following are for boot block in Flash ROM
E0 Initialize the chipset
E1 Initialize the bridge
E2 Initialize the CPU
E3 Initialize the system timer
E4 Initialize system I/O
E5 Check force recovery boot
E6 Checksum BIOS ROM
E7 Go to BIOS
E8 Set Huge Segment
E9 Initialize Multi Processor
EA Initialize OEM special code
EB initialize PIC and DMA
EC Initialize Memory type
ED Initialize Memory size
EE Shadow Boot Block
EF System memory test
F0 Initialize interrupt vectors
F1 Initialize Run Time Clock
F2 Initialize video
F3 Initialize System Management Menager
F4 Output one beep
F5 Clear Huge Segement
F6 Boot to mini DOS
F7 Boot to Full DOS
Phoenix 4.0 Release 6.0 BIOS Post Codes:02 Verify real mode
03 Disable non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
04 Get CPU type
06 Initialize system hardware
07 Disable shadow and execute code from the ROM
08 Initialize chipset with initial POST values
09 Set IN POST flag
0A Initialize CPU registers
0B Enable CPU cache
0C Initialize caches to initial POST values
0E Initialize I/O component
0F Initialize the local bus IDE
10 initialize power management
11 Load alternate registers with initial POST values
12 Restore CPU control word during warm boot
13 Initialize PCI bus mastering devices
14 Initialize keyboard controller
16 BIOS ROM checksum
17 Initialize cache before memory autosize
18 8254 programmable interrupt timer initialization
1A 8237 DMA controller initialization
1C Reset programmable interrupt controller
20 Test DRAM refresh
22 Test 8742 keyboard controller
24 Set ES segment register to 4GB
26 Enable gate A20 line
28 Autosize DRAM
29 Initialize POST memory manager
2A Clear 512KB base RAM
2C RAM failure on address line xxxx
2E RAM failure on data bits xxxx of low byte of memory bus
2F Enable cache before system BIOS shadow
30 RAM failure on data bits xxxx of high byte of memory bus
32 Test CPU bus clock frequency
33 Initialize Phoenix Dispatch Manager
36 Warm start shut down
38 Shadow system BIOS ROM
3A Autosize cache
3C Advanced configuration of chipset registers
3D Load alternate registers with CMOS values
41 Initialize extended memory for RomPilot
42 Initialize interrupt vectors
45 POST device initialization
46 Check ROM copyright notice
47 Initialize I20 support
48 Check video configuration against CMOS
49 Initialize PCI bus and devices
4A Initialize all video adapters in system
4B QuietBoot start (optional)
4C Shadow video BIOS ROM
4E Display BIOS copyright notice
4F Initialize MultiBoot
50 Display CPU type and speed
51 Initialize EISA board
52 Test keyboard
54 Set key click if enabled
55 Enable USB devices
58 Test for unexpected interrupts
59 Initialize POST display service
5A Display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP"
5B Disable CPU cache
5C Test RAM between 512KB and 640KB
60 Test extended memory
62 Test extended memory address lines
64 Jump to UserPatch1
66 Configure advanced cache registers
67 Initialize Multi Processor APIC
68 Enable external and CPU caches
69 Setup system management mode (SMM) area
6A Display external L2 cache size
6B Load custom defaults (optional)
6C Display shadow area message
6E Display possible high address for UMB recovery
70 Display error messages
72 Check for configuration errors
76 Check for keyboard errors
7C Set up hardware interrupt vectors
7D Initialize Intelligent System Monitoring
7E Initialize coprocessor if present
80 Disable onboard super I/O ports and IRQ's
81 Late POST device initialization
82 Detect and install external RS232 ports
83 Configure non-MCD IDE controllers
84 Detect and install external parallel ports
85 Initialize PC compatible PnP ISA devices
86 Reinitialize onboard I/O ports
87 Configure motherboard configurable devices (optional)
88 Initialize BIOS data area
89 Enable non-maskable interrupts (NMI's)
8A Initialize extended BIOS data area
8B Test and initialize PS/2 mouse
8C Initialize floppy controller
8F Determine number of ATA drives (optional)
90 Initialize hard disk controllers
91 Initialize local bus hard disk controllers
92 Jump to UserPatch2
93 Build MPTABLE for multi processor boards
95 Install CD ROM for boot
96 Clear huge ES segment register
97 Fixup multi processor table
98 Search for option ROM's
99 Check for SMART drive (optional)
9A Shadow option ROM's
9C Set up power management
9D Initialize security engine (optional)
9E Enable hardware interrupts
9F Determine number of ATA and SCSI drives
A0 Set time of day
A2 Check key lock
A4 Initialize typematic rate
A8 Erase F2 prompt
AA Scan for F2 key stroke
AC Enter setup
AE Clear boot flag
B0 Check for errors
B1 Inform RomPilot about the end of POST
B2 POST done - prepare to boot operating system
B4 One short beep
B5 Terminate QuietBoot (optional)
B6 Check password
B7 Initialize ACPI BIOS
B9 Prepare boot
BA Initialize DMI parameters
BB Initialize PnP option ROM's
BC Clear parity checkers
BD Display multiboot menu
BE Clear screen
BF Check virus and backup reminders
C0 Try to boot with interrupt 19
C1 Initialize POST Error Manager (PEM)
C2 Initialize error logging
C3 Initialize error display function
C4 Initialize system error handler
C5 PnP dual CMOS (optional)
C6 Initialize notebook docking (optional)
C7 Initialize notebook docking late
C8 Force check (optional)
C9 Extended checksum (optional)
CA Redirect Int 15h to enable remote keyboard
CB Redirect Int 13 to Memory Technologies Devices such as ROM, RAM, PCMCIA, and serial disk
CC Redirect Int 10h to enable remote serial video
CD Re-map I/O and memory for PCMCIA
CE Initialize digitizer and dispaly message 
D2 Unknown interrupt
  The following are for boot block in Flash ROM
E0 Initialize the chipset
E1 Initialize the bridge
E2 Initialize the CPU
E3 Initialize the system timer
E4 Initialize system I/O
E5 Check force recovery boot
E6 Checksum BIOS ROM
E7 Go to BIOS
E8 Set Huge Segment
E9 Initialize Multi Processor
EA Initialize OEM special code
EB initialize PIC and DMA
EC Initialize Memory type
ED Initialize Memory size
EE Shadow Boot Block
EF System memory test
F0 Initialize interrupt vectors
F1 Initialize Run Time Clock
F2 Initialize video
F3 Initialize System Management Menager
F4 Output one beep
F5 Clear Huge Segement
F6 Boot to mini DOS
F7 Boot to Full DOS

Категория: POST Card | Добавил: beliar (18.09.2008)
Просмотров: 4194 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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